Monday, April 28, 2008

Is your career ruining your fertility?

Women so often find themselves needing to make a choice between career and children. A woman's career path most often includes high school, college and university. By the time she finishes all that, she may well be in her mid to late twenties. Now armed with forging her way to the top of her chosen field, this could take a few years leaving her in the late twenties to early thirties age group by the time she is starting to realise success.

Now add to all of that, the need to find the perfect man, perhaps buy a house and nice car, and the task can seem impossible. If a woman does decide she would like to have children mid way through this entire process, then new problems face her, such as whether she will take time from work, whether the child will be placed into care while she returns to work, amongst other problems that can arise.

So many women don't even consider fertility issues as they are on the track to their desired career. They see others around them in their late 30's having children, and assume that it's easy for everyone.

The reality is, that once a woman reaches 30, not only does her ability to fall pregnant start to decrease, but if she does fall pregnant then the risk of complications is higher.

SO if you are yet to think about conceiving, or are trying to decide between career and baby, you really need to take a look at your life, your values, and decide what is important to you. If when you are elderly you would be happy with never having children then keep on the career path, but if somewhere in your heart you look forward to sharing your life with a family all your own, then I urge you to take a step back from the material high flying career world, and ask yourself is your fertility worth more?

Unfortunately for women, we can't reproduce at any age, so choices have to be made, and when you make them, take time to do some soul searching and make sure you have made the right decision for the long term, not just for what feels good now.

Sandra xx

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