Friday, May 2, 2008

What Question would you love to know the answer to?

I got a call tonight for a friend who is travelling her own journey of infertility. She has only recently found out, and is having a hard time with it.

She asked me what seemed like a billion questions, which i of course answered for her, reminding her the entire time that it might have taken me 9 years, but I am now blessed with a beautiful daughter and her case is very different to mine so chances are she will have a baby in her arms much sooner.

Then i realised, that although It is taking me a while to find the time to dedicate to this blog, that it really could be useful to people to see everything fertility related from the view of someone who has been "through the system".

I have made contact with a few lovely ladies who have contacted me via email and who receive my newsletter, but I would love to hear from anyone else who happens to stumble in here

WHAT IS IT That you would like to know? What question do you need information on? Just leave a comment here, or join the newsletter and send a reply that way, I would love to know....

Topics I have coming up to write about are:
How to chose a clinic that suits you
What is PCOS
What is Endometriosis
When things turn ectopic

There's so much to write about I just need to find the time to sit and do it.

Baby Dust and Hugs